Thursday, May 22, 2008


Does everything that exists real?

What is reality to you?

Seeing the sun raised and set show you that a day has pass,

Is that reality?

Feeling hurt, love, happy, sad and more,

Is that reality?

Get to feel everything that is around you and you touches,

Is that reality?

Breathing the air around you and smell the scents around you,

Is that reality?

Hearing all the sound and noises,

Is that reality?

Does all this prove that we are really real and living?

All this might be just fakes,

Fakes that just to let us all feel that it is real,

It might just be a program that is doing all this,

It also might just be that we are in a long dream and we will never get to know the real reality,

It might be that this is just one of our life stop and when we are gone,

We will continue with the never ending journey.

So what might it be?

Or maybe we will never get to know what the reality is?

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